Documents and notes of the articles
The main modules > Articles > Article detail view > Documents and notes of the articles

In the documents and notes primarily general notes or letters and faxes with direct relation to one article are created and hierarchically stored. In this navigation point the following additional functions are available:

Add a new document / a new note
Delete the selected document / the selected note

When creating a new entry a topic is entered that can be filled in the subject of letters and serves as identifier in the list view. These document types van be selected: Note, letter, fax. A note is a simple text field. For letter and fax an additional selection has to be made to choose a document template, that was created in the text template admnistration.

The different document types are labeled with corresponding icons in the list view.


Creating a new note for an article

Creating a new note for an article




When a new letter or fax is created or such a document is modified, additional functions for text editing and printing are available.